Due to a recent backend system update, some players have received a Name Change notification despite having an appropriate Riot ID. If this happened to you, check Changing Your Riot ID to see what you can do (like keeping your game name!) and can't do (like using the original server tagline, eg. NA1, EUW1, etc). And sorry for the inconvenience—some decade-old systems just won't modernize without a fight.

LoR's Refund Policy

Global Refund Policy Update

This article has been updated to reflect our Global Refund Policy, which went into effect on May 30th, 2021. Click here to learn more!

If you’ve made a purchase you need to reverse for any reason, most types of unused* items can be refunded within 14 days of purchase. What’s even better is that you can refund right there in the client! Just keep in mind that some types of items, like the Starter Bundle, cannot be refunded. You’ll be notified before you purchase any non-refundable item.

To access your transaction history, click the Store tab, then click Purchases. Any content eligible for refund will have a REFUND button on the right.

If you have any questions about your purchases, you can /submit a ticket below, and be sure to reference the transaction ID of the purchase you have a question or issue with.

*Used Cards

You heard us mention "unused items can be refunded," but I bet you're wondering what makes an item "used?" Well, of course when you play a card in-game it's used, but did you know that if your card gets locked in a game mode (like Gauntlets), it's also used? This means that once you lock your deck, all cards in there are used, even if you don't end up playing that deck!

A card is also used if you buy a skin or prismatic for it. 

Once a card is used, it cannot be refunded for any reason. Even if a patch changes or updates a card, you cannot get a refund on that card if it's used.

Please Note:

If you are looking to refund a direct transfer of real money (such as refunding a Coin purchase), you’ll need to contact us directly by clicking Submit a Ticket below. If you need to refund a monetary purchase on Legends of Runeterra Mobile, you'll need to contact Google or Apple for a refund (depending on your provider).

You can find our full refund policy (along with other helpful information regarding refunds, including for Coin purchases) here.

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