How to Share Decks

Let’s say you’ve been a loyal Noxian for weeks, working your way through the region’s rewards and collecting the spoils of war. Then, a shiny Frelordian champion catches your eye (“Always chose Braum.”) Before you jump to another region, you can’t let all your accrued Imperial knowledge go to waste! So why not share your awesome deck with a friend, the internet, or both?

Share Your Deck

Head over to your Collection and click on the deck you want to share. A unique code will populate. Go ahead and copy it! Now your deck can be shared with the masses!


Import a Deck

Found a deck that piques your interest? Just click the Import Deck button at the top of your Collection. Remember that unique code we mentioned? Go ahead and paste it in. The deck will populate with all the cards. This way, you can see which ones you have and which, if any, you still need to get. Once you’re done accruing the cards you need, the deck is yours to play with!


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