If you want to be the very best - the best there ever was - then leveling your champions is your real test, and raising their Stars is your cause!
Champion Levels
To defeat bigger baddies and vanquish the most fearsome foes, you'll need to make your already powerful champions even stronger! One way to do that is by leveling them up. As your champions gain levels, they'll earn deck upgrades, items, Relic slots, and more.
Earning CXP and Leveling Up
Leveling up is easy! As you progress through an adventure in The Path of Champions, the champion you use earns Champion XP (CXP). The amount of CXP the champion earns is based on the adventure's difficulty level - the more difficult the adventure, the more CXP it's worth! Once the adventure is complete, all the CXP the champion earned is added up and applied to them. Don't worry if you fail to finish your adventure, you'll still gain CXP based on how far you make it. Once your champ has enough CXP, they level up.
Reaching Max Level
Champion levels currently max out at 30, but that won't always be the case (stay tuned for future updates!). Once a champion reaches its current max level, they can no longer earn CXP.
Power up your champions and show all of Runeterra how far you've come with Stars! Each time a champion gains a Star, they gain a new game-changing Star Power like the one below.
Gaining Stars can also upgrade an ability. If you get your Jinx to 3 Stars, for example, What's the Worst that Could Happen? upgrades to What's the Worst that Could Happen? 2.
Gaining Stars
Champions start with 0 Stars and can currently be maxed out at 3 Stars. You'll need to use Champion Fragments to gain Stars:
- 10 Fragments for 1 Star
- 20 Fragments for 2 Stars
- 40 Fragments for 3 Stars
How to Get Champion Fragments
Champion Fragments are mainly found in Cosmic Vaults earned by completing Champion Campaigns and World Adventures. You can also earn Champion Fragments when you start down The Path of Champions by completing Chapter Quests.