This page covers all the terminology that is used in Legends of Runeterra.
- Positive Keywords
- Negative Keywords
- Game Vocab: Activated Effects and Triggered Abilities
- Game Vocab: Actions
- Types of Spells
- Basic Terminology
- Types of Cards
Positive Keywords
These keywords are "positive" in that they buff units. Units can have multiple keywords.
Keyword | Definition |
Units with Augment gain +1|+0 whenever they see you play a created card. |
Barrier negates the next damage the unit would take. Lasts one round. (In other words, lasts only that round the unit is summoned or the Barrier is given.)
Brash units can only be blocked by units with 3+ Health.
When attacking, Challenger units can choose which enemy unit blocks them, forcing enemy units into combat.
When a Deathless unit dies, remove Deathless and revive it Stunned with 1 Health. |
You are Deep when your deck has 15 or fewer cards remaining. When that happens, ally cards with the Deep keyword gain +3|+3. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Deep. |
When attacking, a Double Attack unit strikes both before AND at the same time as its blocker. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Double Attack. |
Elusive units can only be blocked by other Elusive units.
You've Evolved once you've seen 6+ unique positive keywords in play among allies this game. Units with the Evolve keyword gain +2|+2. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Evolve. |
Each round, the first time a unit with Fated is targeted by an ally, the Fated unit is granted +1|+1. Targeted cards must be in play—targeting cards in your hand does not count towards Fated. |
Fearsome units can only be blocked by units with 3+ Power.
Formidable units strike with their Health instead of their power. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Formidable. |
Units with Fury are granted +1|+1 when they kill an enemy unit. |
When allies attack, give your leftmost ally +1|+0 for each Hallowed ally that died this game.
Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Hallowed. |
When a card with Impact strikes while attacking, it deals 1 to the enemy Nexus. This keyword can stack. |
When a unit with Lifesteal strikes, the ally Nexus gains Health equal to that unit's Power.
If a card with Lurk is the top card of your deck when an ally unit with Lurk attacks, grant Lurker allies everywhere +1|+0. Max once per round. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Lurk. |
If the Power of an attacking unit with Overwhelm exceeds the defending unit’s Health, the excess damage goes to the defender's Nexus.
Quick Attack units strike first when attacking. If the blocker dies before it can strike back, the attacking Quick Attack unit comes out of combat unscathed. If the blocker survives the attack, it strikes.
Units with Regeneration heal to their max Health at round start. |
When you attack with only Scout units, you "ready your attack," meaning you will immediately regain the attack token after your Scout units attack.
Scout works only once per round. Not generatable: When a card generates a random keyword, it cannot generate Scout. |
SpellShield negates the next enemy spell or skill that would affect the unit.
Tough units take 1 less damage from any and all sources (while attacking, while blocking, from spells, etc).
Negative Keywords
These keywords are "negative" in that they generally have a debuffing effect on units.
Keyword | Definition |
You can’t declare these units as blockers.
A Captured card is removed from the game. It returns to the board when the Capturing unit leaves play.
Curse cards apply a negative effect while they're in your hand. Multiples of the same Curse on a unit combine, increasing their cost and effect. Cannot be targeted in hand. |
Ephemeral units die when they strike or when the round ends. |
Fleeting cards discard from your hand at round end. |
Sets a unit's Power to 0 until the end of the round. When a unit is frostbitten, it can still be buffed to gain Power through spells and effects that round. |
Immobile units can't attack or block.
Removes all keywords, abilities, and ongoing positive and negative effects.
Doesn't affect damage (Power or Health) or subtype. |
Stunned units are removed from combat, and they can’t attack or block this round.
A unit that is Vulnerable means that any enemy unit can challenge it, forcing it to block. |
Game Vocab: Activated Effects and Triggered Abilities
Abilities or effects that activate or trigger when some condition is met.
Special interactions:
- When a trigger has a
Skill icon, enemies can react when the trigger is executed.
Keyword | Definition |
Allegiance |
When summoned, if the top card in your deck matches the region of the summoned unit, do the effect. More...
Play an Attach unit on an ally to give it the Attaching unit's stats and keywords. When the ally leaves play, the Attach unit is returned to hand.
Attack |
When the unit attacks, do the effect.
Attack Strike |
When the unit strikes when attacking, do the effect. |
When summoned, units with Attune refill one spell mana. |
Auto-Equip |
Automatically equips the specified equipment from hand or play when summoned, creating it first if needed. If a unit already is already equipped, the previous equipment returns to hand. |
Countdown |
When the countdown reaches 0: Triggers an effect, then the card self destructs.
Counts down 1 at Round Start. |
Daybreak & Day |
If it's the first card you play in a round, do the effect.
Enlightened |
When you have 10 max mana gems, do the effect. |
Flow |
If you played 2 or more spells or skills last round, do the effect. |
Last Breath
When the unit dies, do the effect. |
Level Up |
Champions level up when their unique level-up condition is met. Once a champion levels up, all copies of them are leveled up.
Nexus Strike |
When a unit strikes the enemy Nexus, do the effect.
For a unit to strike the Nexus, it must attack unblocked or use abilities like Overwhelm that allow it to damage the enemy Nexus. Note: Impact does not trigger Nexus Strike. |
Nightfall & Night |
If it's not the first card you play in a round, do the effect.
Origin |
Regionless Runeterran champions each have a unique origin, which acts as a region. (Your deck can contain 2 total regions and/or origins.) Review the Runeterran champion's origin informational card to learn what cards you add to your deck at deckbuilding time.
Play |
To trigger a unit's Play trigger (Example: “Play: Grant an ally in hand +1|+0”), it must be played from hand to trigger its special effects.
So, creating a summoned card or reviving a card that has a Play effect won't trigger its Play effect because the card wasn't played from hand–that is, dragged from your hand to the board. For example, if you use Marai Warden to summon Crusty Codger, Crusty Codger's Play effect won't trigger because it wasn't played from hand. More...
Plunder |
If you damaged the enemy Nexus this round, do the effect. |
Reputation |
Reputation activates when your allies have struck for 5+ damage at least 4 times during a game. |
Round End |
At the end of each round, do the effect. |
Round Start |
At the start of each round, do the effect. |
A unit's spell-like effect that allows enemy reactions. |
Strike |
When the unit strikes an enemy unit or the enemy Nexus, do the effect. (Striking happens when a unit deals damage using its Power. Units with 0 Power can't Strike.)
If it succeeds in dealing damage, it has struck. |
Support |
When attacking, Support units give the ally to their right a special effect or ability.
Game Vocab: Actions
These terms have specific actions in Legends of Runeterra.
Types of Spells
The spell types and their speed in gameplay.
Spell Type | When you can play it |
Basic Terminology
Other terms that have specific meaning in LoR.
Term | Definition |
Allies |
Allies refer to your units. |
Board |
Where your cards are in play. |
Behold |
You behold something if you have it in play or in hand. |
Buffs, Bonuses |
Positive keywords, increased stats (Power or Health), and other given/granted positive effects of a unit. |
Cost |
Mana cost to play a card. |
Draw |
Putting a card from your deck into your hand. |
Enemies |
Enemies refer to your opponent's units. |
Everywhere |
In play, in hand, in deck, in discard, and even if created or summoned later.
Foe |
Your opponent in The Path of Champions, LoR's PVE adventure mode. |
Give |
Temporarily gives increased stats or buffs for that round only. |
Grant |
Permanently grants increased stats or buffs.
Health |
Your unit's defense stat. This is the number on the lower right of the card. Damage to your Health persists to future rounds. Here are some ways that you can replenish a unit's Health:
Kill (Died) |
Units die when they're removed from the board via combat, spells, or abilities. This includes self-killing units like Ephemeral units.
Note: Obliterated units aren't considered dead/killed or slain; they're completely removed from the game. |
Mana gems |
You summon cards by paying the cost of the card with mana gems or spell gems. See Let's Talk About Mana. Mana gems incrementally unlock as you progress through rounds (start: 1, max: 10), and refill at round start. |
New |
Something is new when it's the first of its kind you play this game. A new region is a region you haven't played yet this game. A new card is a card you haven't played yet this game. |
Nexus |
You and your opponent each have your own Nexus. You win the game by being the first to get the enemy's Nexus down to (or below) zero. |
Play |
Playing a card means dragging it from your hand to the board. |
Power |
Your unit's damage-dealing stat. This is the number on the lower left of the card. |
Region |
Every card (including spells, landmarks, and equipment) in Legends of Runeterra has one or more regions. Your deck can include cards from up to two regions*.
Special regions:
Slay (Slain) |
Slain is more narrowly specific than Died. A unit is slain when it's killed via spells/skills/effects/abilities or by striking with another unit. (Self-killing, like from Ephemeral, doesn't count.) |
Stats |
A unit's Power and Health stats. |
Strongest |
The strongest unit is the one with the highest Power.
See Tiebreaker Rule. |
Subtype |
At the top of some units (or at the bottom of some spells), there will be a word, like Cultist, Poro, or Lurker.
That means the unit is a subtype, which primes it for synergistic buffs with spells and units that interact with that subtype. |
Weakest |
The weakest unit is the one with the lowest Power.
See Tiebreaker Rule. |
Types of Cards
Card Type | Description |
Unit |
Units are champions or followers you can summon onto your board. They have Power and Health and can be used to attack your opponent's Nexus.
Spell |
Spell cards exhaust when you play them. You can play certain spells on your turn, in reaction to spells or skills cast by your opponent, or during combat phase, depending on the spell type. |
Landmarks are special places of power throughout Runeterra that you can bring to your board. They take up a space on your board and they can't attack, block, or take damage. While they are in play, some landmarks have a persistent aura or conditional effects, while others have effects that trigger once their countdown is fulfilled. Landmarks are removed by:
Equip to a unit to grant the listed bonuses for as long as the equipment remains equipped. If the unit leaves play, the equipment returns to hand. Each equipment can be played at most once per round.
Boon |
A type of created effect card. A boon attaches to another card in the ally's deck. When that card is drawn, the boon card's (typically beneficial) effect activates. |
Trap |
A type of created effect card. A trap attaches to another card in an enemy deck. When that card is drawn, the trap card's (typically damaging) effect activates. |