Round FAQ

The main objective in LoR is to destroy your opponent's Nexus while defending your own from your opponent’s attacks. While it may sound simple, there are endless possibilities for both attack and defense.

What are Rounds?

A round is where both players alternate taking actions, such as playing cards from their hand or attacking. At the start of each round, you and your opponent will each draw a card and refill your mana gems (and save up to 3 mana from the previous round, but that’s for playing spells only!) The round ends when both players have hit The Button back to back without taking any actions (or they’ve enabled Autopass).       

What Happens Each Round?

The person on attack at the start of each round takes the first action. If you start on defense, you go second and cannot attack during the round (unless a spell or ability gives you an attack token).

When taking the first action on attack, you can attack with the units on your back line, play a spell, or summon another unit. To play any card, you have to drag it from your hand onto the board. Be careful, though. Once you take an action, your opponent may be able to respond. It may be better strategically to attack right away when the round begins; if you summon a unit while your opponent has no defenders, they’ll have a chance to summon a unit to block.

To attack your opponent, drag your units from your back line onto the battlefield. The Button will change from PASS to ATTACK. You also have the option to play any spell cards you have in your hand. Once you’re ready to lock in your attack, click The Button.

Now, your opponent will be able to respond to your attack: they can block, play fast or burst spells, or any combination of those. Then they will hit The Button to lock in their defense. If any spell cards are played, they'll go off before your units fight each other. If multiple spells are on the table, they will resolve in order from left to right. Units will then fight each other, with each attacker and blocker hitting one another. Any units left alive will return to the back line. Any attacking units that aren't blocked will hit the Nexus!

At this point, your attack for the round is used up, but you can still play cards as long as you have the mana to do so. Players take actions back and forth like this until both players pass in a row, causing the round to end.

When the round ends, players trade attack and defense. If you were able to attack last round, you'd then be on the defense, meaning your opponent will take the first action and has an active attack token (so put your guard up!)

What can I do when it’s my turn to Attack?

You can play units from your hand to your back line, choose to attack your opponent’s Nexus with units or spells, or play spells with a huge variety of effects.

I got rid of a unit trying to block me, but my attacker still didn't hit the Nexus?!

See that blue box? It indicates that your unit has been blocked this round. Once a blocking unit is committed, even if you remove it, your unit is considered blocked and will not strike your opponent's Nexus.

An Exception

If your attacking unit has Overwhelm, it will strike the Nexus for full damage!



What can I do when it’s my turn to Defend?

You cannot attack the opponent’s Nexus with your units unless you have an active Attack Token. But that doesn’t mean you’re powerless in this phase! You can still play units and play spells to protect yourself or mess with your opponent's units. Look for any opportunity to foil their strategies!


Before your opponent can attack your Nexus, you can choose which of your opponent’s units you’d like to block by placing your units in front of them on the battlefield. Knowing when to defend and when to sacrifice the health of your Nexus will be key in lasting long enough to strike the final blow!


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