Submit a request
From tech to tilt, we're here to help you!
Submit a Ticket! So long as it doesn't fall through a portal, we'll get back to you soon.
Try doublechecking the username, Riot ID/Summoner name, and Region you provided to help us find the right account. If you're confident in the details you've submitted, submit a ticket to hand off the current information to an agent, who will do their best to locate your account!
We've sent the password recovery information to: Just follow the instructions to get back in action!
If you are still unable to log in, select the button below to get help from an agent. For any other issues, please reach out via the relevant ticket form.
Submit Art to Gamer Gallery
Want to buy something but coming up short? We might cover the difference... for a price! Just submit your best piece of art, and our crack team of creative curators will do the rest!
Keep your request reasonable! Your contributions may be priceless, but even the greatest gallery has a budget.
If you sent in some art recently, wait at least a few months before you submit more! Give the other artists a chance to show off their drawing prowess.
Finally, we're only helping out with currency that cannot be obtained by playing the game! For anything else, we recommend earning it the old fashioned way—with blood, sweat, and queues.
Account Permanently Suspended: Botting
In general, botting involves using third-party software to partially or fully automate in-game actions—which violates our Terms of Service.
This suspension can be issued if we discover that botting has occurred at any point in the account’s history. If you did not use bots yourself but purchased this account (which also violates our Terms of Service) from somebody who did, then the suspension still stands, and correctly placed suspensions will not be lifted.
If you think we got this wrong, then we’ll need to confirm you created this account. Please submit a new ticket with the “Hacked/Compromised Account” reason selected and provide the requested information for us to have a closer look at what happened.
There’s lots of reasons text gets flagged as inappropriate—threats, harassment, and obscenities are a few examples, but you can check Section 7 of our Terms of Service for a more comprehensive list.
If this text was harmful to the experience of another player in any way, we won’t overturn this penalty. There's no space in our games for that kind of behavior.
If you think we got this wrong, submit a ticket and we’ll take another look.
No Eligible penalty found
We do not process AFK penalty appeals and we could not find any other penalties on your account. If you need help with any other issues, let us know by submitting an appropriate ticket.
If technical issues are preventing you from accessing or completing games, visit LINK TEXT HERE
Account Permanently Suspended: Scripting/Third-Party Applications
Scripting and third-party applications create a measurable player advantage (like revealing map information that should be hidden, or enabling play with a mouse and keyboard for console-exclusive experiences) that compromises competitive play and makes things unfair/unfun for other players, which is why they’re prohibited in our Terms of Service.
If you think we got this wrong and would still like for us to take a closer look, you can submit a ticket.
Account Temporarily Suspended: Scripting/Third-Party Applications
Scripting and third-party applications create a measurable player advantage (like revealing map information that should be hidden, or enabling play with a mouse and keyboard for console-exclusive experiences) that compromises competitive play and makes things unfair/unfun for other players, which is why they’re prohibited in our Terms of Service.
Since this is a temporary suspension that will expire in less time than it would take to investigate, we’re going to let the suspension run its course. That said, future violations may result in a permanent suspension, so please consider the impact these types of programs will have on both your fellow players and yourself before using them again.
If you think we got this wrong and would still like for us to take a closer look, you can submit a ticket.

Report Received!
Thanks for letting us know about {Name}. We'll take things from here, so don't worry if this exchange doesn't appear in your ticket history.

Report Received!
Thanks to your report and others like it, we’ve already taken action against {Name}.
When disruptive behavior is detected, we put them on a path of escalating penalties to encourage reflection and reform that you can learn about in our Suspensions/Bans FAQ.

Already Reported
It looks like you already submitted a report for {Name}. Thank you for your diligence and rest assured we're looking into their behavior. If you don’t see a ticket in your ticket history for this or the previous report, don’t worry—that's totally normal, and we still have your report logged in our system.
Attachment Required
Screenshots of the disruptive messages help us verify and act on your report.
Attachment Required
Screenshots, receipts of purchase, and other details help us verify and act on your report.
Player/Match Not Found
We can't find {Name} in any of {Riot ID}'s last 20 matches. Make sure the Riot ID listed above matches the one you want to report, and that you're logged into the same account that played the game you're reporting.
Player/Match Not Found
We can't find {Name} in any of {Riot ID}'s last 20 matches. Make sure the Riot ID listed above matches the one you want to report, and that you're logged into the same account that played the game you're reporting.
Tip: You can also report players from recent games via your match history.
Invalid Riot ID Provided
The reported Riot ID is too long or contains invalid characters. If you’ve entered extra information in the in-game name field, please remove it so we can locate the right player. If you're reporting multiple players, we're only able to process a single account per report. Reporting multiple players from a recent game is easier to do in-client, but if you'd prefer to submit a report here, please create one report per account.