如何解鎖英雄 | 英雄之路

Legends of Runeterra Player Support - The Champion Select screen in the Path of Champions, showing locked and unlocked champions.


Jhin's image from the Champion Select screen, with a lock over it to show that he hasn't been unlocked.


  • 從陣容中選出你想要解鎖的英雄。
  • 按一下英雄牌下方的解鎖
    Jhin's champion card on the his Details screen with the UNLOCK button under it.
  • 你必須獲得30個同一英雄的英雄碎片才能解鎖他們。如果你已經有足夠數量,按一下顯示碎片數量的按鈕,就大功告成!這個英雄已經是你的囊中物了!沒有足夠的碎片嗎?你可以透過任務、英雄戰役世界冒險來獲得更多碎片!
    Jhin's icon showing he is Champion Level 1, with text under stating: Unlock with Jhin Fragments. Under the text is a button with the Fragments icon and the number 30.

