Why Does My Deck Have a Red Exclamation Point?

Uh-oh! If you have a red exclamation point next to your deck, that means the deck is invalid and cannot be played. But don’t worry! Let’s try and figure out what went wrong. A deck could be invalid for the following reasons:

  • It contains cards that you don’t yet own (this may happen when you’re importing a friend’s deck).
  • It contains more than 6 total champions.
  • It does not contain enough cards or has too many (a deck must have exactly 40 cards).
  • A card in your deck has been temporarily disabled due to a bug (the disabled card should be clearly marked, so you can quickly remove it from your deck).
  • The deckbuilder will prevent you from adding more than 3 copies of a card, more copies of a card than you own, or adding more than two regions.

Once you’ve made the necessary changes and saved, the exclamation point should disappear, which means you’re ready to test out your deck in the pursuit of victory.

Please note

If you made a deck during all-content, you may have cards in one of your decks that you don't actually own! No need to throw out the whole deck, though. Wildcards and shards are your friend.


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